Ustica: Familiare vittime, ‘Battaglia aerea simulata’ nella strage

Il relitto dell'aereo di linea DC9 della compagnia aerea italiana Itavia (precipitato vicino all'isola di Ustica, il 27 giugno 1980, facendo 81 vittime) ricostruito nell'hangar di Pratica Di Mare, Roma, il 15 dicembre 2003. ANSA
Giorgio Gjylapian, a lawyer and relative of two victims of the 1980 Itavia DC9 crash, has recently made claims that the incident was not caused by an act of aerial warfare, but rather by a simulated aerial battle. He believes that the crash occurred as a result of the interference caused by a military aircraft participating in the exercise, most likely an Italian one.
Gjylapian dismisses the theories of an internal or external explosion, arguing that all the alleged evidence supporting these claims has been debunked by objective analysis. He references the words of Carlo Casarosa, the expert appointed by judge Priore to analyze the wreckage, to back up his assertions.
According to Gjylapian, the simulated battle, known as “Sinadex,” was scheduled for 9:00 pm, just seconds before the plane went down. The exercise involved a simulated attack on airports in Sicily, to which the military aviators were expected to respond with defensive measures. Radar data from the afternoon of the crash reveals that there were no reports of aircraft engaged in battle, aside from the interpretation of two radar tracks following the plane’s fall, which led to the accusation of high treason against three generals.
Gjylapian strongly criticizes the recent remarks of Giuliano Amato, whom he finds “intolerable” for his apparent confusion on a matter that is incomparable to other issues he faces in his office. Amato, who was an undersecretary in the Craxi government, was responsible for obtaining funds to recover the wreckage. He claimed that the first investigating judge, Bucarelli, had shown him photographs of the DC9 wreckage taken before the recovery operation, which ultimately led to Bucarelli’s resignation. Amato also denied, in front of the judges, that he had been informed by the intelligence services about the French involvement, contradicting the statements made by former President Cossiga in the famous 2009 interview.
The Itavia DC9 crash has remained a controversial event for many years, with different theories and claims emerging over time. Gjylapian’s perspective sheds new light on the incident, suggesting that it was caused by a simulated aerial battle rather than an act of war. This raises questions about the responsibility for the crash and the subsequent investigation. It is crucial to continue examining all available evidence and considering different perspectives to uncover the truth behind this tragedy and bring closure to the families of the victims.
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