Confisca di 10 milioni di euro a una famiglia di imprenditori a Roma per smaltimento illecito di rifiuti

Polizia seizes assets worth 10 million euros from a Roman entrepreneur, his 79-year-old wife, and their 45-year-old son. The family had previously been involved in an operation called Dark Side in 2017, which uncovered an illegal waste disposal organization. This criminal group was responsible for numerous unauthorized waste dumps, including toxic waste, which generated substantial illegal profits.

Among the waste contributors was a company operating in Ardea, linked to the family group that had repeatedly engaged in environmental crimes. They illegally managed large quantities of hazardous waste, which were taken to an unauthorized landfill in Aprilia (Latina). The three family members were convicted in the first instance by the Rome Court for illicit waste trafficking, unauthorized waste management, construction or management of an unauthorized landfill, and environmental pollution. The considerable illegal proceeds obtained were reinvested in the same company to conceal their origin, engaging in criminal activities often associated with economic contexts, such as money laundering and fictitious ownership, as well as acquiring additional assets through hidden company structures.

Today’s activity is the result of ongoing and effective collaboration between the Rome Prosecutor’s Office and the Police, aimed at combating organized crime, confiscating illegally accumulated assets, and removing economic activities from the criminal circuit to restore them to the community through legal means. The asset investigations carried out, spanning approximately three decades, have revealed a significant disproportion between the owned assets, directly or indirectly, and the declared income or legitimate economic activities. There are sufficient indications to believe that these assets are the result of illegal activities or their reinvestment.

The confiscation order, which is not final yet, fully endorses the economic asset investigation, evidencing the significant disproportion between legitimate income sources, economic activities, and the complex assets directly or indirectly owned by the three individuals. The seizure, executed in the provinces of Rome, Latina, Frosinone, and L’Aquila, affects assets and corporate structures with an estimated total value of 10 million euros. These assets include shares and entire business assets of three companies operating in waste treatment, trading of ferrous materials, and real estate sectors. Furthermore, they consist of 22 buildings located in Rome, Pomezia, Marino, Ardea (Rome), Aprilia and Fondi (Latina), Magliano dei Marsi (L’Aquila), and Sgurgola (Frosinone); 10 plots of land in Rome, Ardea, and Fondi; one vehicle; and financial holdings of approximately 500,000 euros.

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