Verso una società in cui le donne possano vestire liberamente

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi during a press conference at the end of a meeting of the Council of Ministers, 7 September 2023. ANSA/FABIO FRUSTACI

Violence against women has been at the center of the political debate in recent weeks due to the increase in cases of femicides and sexual abuse. Matteo Piantedosi, the Minister of the Interior, addressed the issue during a visit to Palermo. He stated: “The goal is to create a society where women do not have to be afraid to go out. Women are free, like men, to go out however they want, wearing miniskirts, without fearing unpleasant situations.” The head of the Ministry of the Interior, who was in the Sicilian capital for a ceremony to hand over a confiscated asset, added: “A lot can be done against femicides, especially from a cultural perspective. It is important to talk about it, and messages like the one sent by the President of the Republic are significant. We enforce and punish these crimes with the law and the work of law enforcement, but we must increasingly focus on schools and cultural models to ensure that this phenomenon becomes increasingly alien to our civilization.”

On the sidelines of the event, Piantedosi also addressed another issue that concerns his ministry: migration flows. He rejected the notion that there are tensions between the mayors and the Ministry of the Interior: “Sometimes we are told that we do not have a plan, but we have shown that there is not a single person on the streets. The reception of migrants so far has been as satisfactory as possible given the difficulties caused by the massive and unpredictable influx that occurred this summer. However, it is worth noting that difficulties exist worldwide due to an epochal phenomenon. Nevertheless, I am grateful to the mayors. This summer was characterized by controversies, some of which were even fabricated, but in reality, the ministry has always been on the same side as the mayors.”

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