Tassa bancaria: Meloni prosegue nonostante il rifiuto della Bce, previsti ricavi di 3 miliardi. Meloni a Vespa: “Non so più cosa sia la vita privata”.

La presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ospite della trasmissione RAI Porta a porta, condotta da Bruno Vespa, Roma, 13 settembre 2023. ANSA/ALESSANDRO DI MEO

Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Italian political party Fratelli d’Italia, appeared on two television shows last night, where she discussed various hot topics in Italian and European politics. In the first program, she addressed the issue of immigration and criticized Germany’s decision to stop accepting asylum seekers from Italy. She emphasized the need to stop the influx of migrants into Italy rather than focusing on relocation efforts. Meloni also expressed her support for Mario Draghi’s appointment as a consultant for the European Union, stating that he is one of Italy’s most authoritative figures and that she believes he will have the country’s best interests at heart. However, she was less complimentary about Paolo Gentiloni, another prominent Italian figure in the EU, accusing him of being critical rather than collaborative in his approach.

One of the main issues that Meloni has been vocal about recently is the rescue operation of the struggling airline, Ita, which the Italian government is working on with Lufthansa. She defended the government’s actions and expressed her frustration with the European Union’s response, stating that Italy should be praised for finding a solution rather than facing criticism. The premier also addressed the surprise announcement of a tax on bank profits, defending the measure as a way for the state to intervene and make an impact. She acknowledged that some modifications may be necessary during the parliamentary process but emphasized that she would not back down from the overall goal of the tax.

During the interview, Meloni also discussed the state of her governing coalition, acknowledging the presence of divisions but expressing confidence in the coalition’s ability to work together. She stressed the importance of focusing on the nation’s interests rather than engaging in petty disputes. When asked about her personal life, Meloni responded that she currently has little time for anything other than her political responsibilities, although she mentioned that she tries to spend time with her daughter, Ginevra, whenever possible.

Overall, Meloni presented herself as a determined and passionate leader, willing to stand up for Italy’s interests in the face of challenges from the European Union. She expressed her commitment to her coalition and her belief in the importance of unity for the sake of the nation.

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