Meloni critica la sentenza di Catania: “Una difesa corporativa da parte dei giudici, decisione incomprensibile”

La presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni al festival delle Regioni a Torino, 3 ottobre 2023. ANSA/FILIPPO ATTILI/US PALAZZO CHIGI +++ NPK +++ NO SALES, EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++
Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Italian political party Fratelli d’Italia, recently gave an interview to SkyTg24, discussing various current political issues. One of the main topics of discussion was immigration, particularly in light of a recent court ruling in Catania. Meloni expressed her disagreement with the judge’s decision, stating that the reasoning behind it was incomprehensible. She also criticized what she perceived as a defensive stance from the judiciary, emphasizing that it is not an attack on their autonomy to express disagreement with a court ruling.
Moving on to the European level, Meloni commented on the recent EU agreement on the management of migrants. She acknowledged that there have been significant steps forward in terms of how the issue is approached in Europe. She also emphasized that her main opponent in the immigration debate is human traffickers, as she believes it is important to combat illegal migration while managing legal migration.
Meloni has been working on agreements with countries of origin and transit for migrants, including Tunisia. However, she noted that a memorandum of understanding with Tunisia has yet to be implemented, and the Tunisian president has recently expressed his opposition to EU funds for migration containment. Meloni attempted to downplay the tension, stating that the issue lies in the need for a respectful partnership with African countries, rather than a paternalistic approach.
Another issue discussed was the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), which Italy has yet to approve. Meloni stated that the government’s position on the ESM has not changed, and she believes that discussing the instrument without considering its framework is short-sighted. She gave the example of the ESM referencing the parameters of the old Stability Pact, which could pose a problem for Italy and other European countries.
Overall, Meloni addressed various political issues, expressing her views on immigration, EU agreements, and the ESM. She emphasized the need for a respectful approach to partnerships with other countries and highlighted the importance of considering the broader context when discussing policy instruments.