Forza Italia propone: valorizzare contratti collettivi e detassare tredicesime e straordinari per il salario minimo

Paolo Barelli (s) e Antonio Tajani alla Camera durante il voto del DEF, Roma, 28 Aprile 2023. ANSA/GIUSEPPE LAMI

Forza Italia, the Italian political party, has proposed an alternative law to the one proposed by the center-left, which focuses on a “fair wage” rather than a minimum wage. The proposal, presented on July 25th and published on the Chamber of Deputies’ website today, states that private sector employees who do not fall under a national collective bargaining agreement should receive a salary equivalent to the minimum amount set by the most widespread collective agreement in their sector. If a specific sector cannot be identified, employees should receive a salary equal to the average minimum amounts set by the most widespread national collective agreements in related sectors. The Ministry of Labor will be responsible for identifying the reference agreements.

According to the proposal, this approach values collective bargaining between workers’ unions and employers’ representatives, which is considered the most suitable tool for protecting the interests of both workers and businesses. The proposal also includes a second article that is not directly related to the issue of the minimum wage. Instead, it focuses on structural benefits for private sector employees who earn an annual income below 25,000 euros. For these employees, the proposal suggests exempting the thirteenth salary, night shift allowances, and overtime pay from taxable income, up to a maximum benefit of 5,000 euros. Forza Italia proposes a maximum public spending limit of one billion euros for this measure. The estimated technical coverage is 700 million euros, achieved through cost cuts in ministries, with the remaining 300 million euros covered by the social fund for training and employment.

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