Caterina Balivo critica la trasmissione di Lorella Cuccarini su Rai 1

Caterina Balivo, a well-known Italian television presenter, is making her return to Rai 1 with a new afternoon program called “La volta buona” (The Right Time) starting on Monday, September 11th. She has taken over the slot previously held by Serena Bortone and her show “Oggi è un altro giorno” (Today is Another Day). In an interview with Il Messaggero, Caterina Balivo shared her thoughts about herself and her new afternoon show.

Balivo acknowledged that despite the good viewership, Rai chose to replace Bortone with her and her new program. She expressed that she is not concerned about any possible political interpretations of this decision. Balivo emphasized that she is a daytime TV host with almost twenty years of experience and not involved in political affiliations. She stated, “I am not a result of a political choice, nor am I about to host ‘Ballando con le stelle’ (the Italian version of ‘Dancing with the Stars’), which is not my world. Let’s say that I am here on my own merit.”

The conversation then turned to Lorella Cuccarini, another renowned showgirl, who revealed that Rai had approached her a few months ago for the same time slot on Rai 1, which she declined. Balivo shared her understanding of the situation and praised Cuccarini’s talents by saying, “Someone like her can do whatever she wants: she is extremely talented. However, Romina Power was also asked before me in 2005 to host ‘Festa italiana’ and never accepted. It’s a matter of personal style.”

Balivo also revealed some details about her upcoming show. “La volta buona” will feature interviews with both famous personalities and ordinary people who will share their real-life stories, including their “right time” moments. The set will have a semi-circular couch to create a comfortable atmosphere, and the program will cover current events, human-interest stories, live music performances, and fictional works. Additionally, there will be a young social media expert and appearances by Umberto Broccoli and Enzo Miccio.

When asked about rumors of the news program “Tg1 Economia” being moved to boost the ratings of “La volta buona,” Balivo did not provide many details, stating, “I don’t know. However, I have been told that it has been done in the past. So it wouldn’t be something new.”

During the interview, Balivo reflected on her time away from Rai for the past three years, which she believes has served her well and helped her grow. She pointed out that even though not everything is perfect with her new show, she is now calm and accepting, whereas in the past she would have been frustrated. She also mentioned the challenges of recording the podcast, “Ricomincio dal no” (Starting from No), where she initially struggled with using only her voice. However, she expressed satisfaction with her progress, saying, “I am very pleased with what I have been able to accomplish.”

In closing, Balivo admitted to a terrible mistake she made in 2017 when she posted a tweet against Diletta Leotta, who was a guest at the Sanremo Music Festival at the time. She acknowledged it as a slip-up, stating, “As someone who is always on the side of women, I should not have done that.” When asked about her professional misstep, she recalled her experience on the show “Pomeriggio sul 2” in 2010, where she found herself in a challenging situation working with two very different individuals, Milo Infante and Lorena Bianchetti. She described it as a traumatic experience and a terrible year for her.

With her previous experiences and growth, Caterina Balivo is now ready to embark on this new chapter in her television career with the hope of creating a successful and fulfilling program for her audience.

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